Behind the Face: Unmasking Mental Health

Behind the Face: Unmasking Mental Health is an organization that emerged from the profound impact of a deeply personal tragedy within the Face Magazine family. When we lost a cherished individual to suicide, it became clear that mental health issues can touch the lives of even those closest to us. This heartbreaking experience ignited our determination to create change and shed light on the significance of mental health for everyone.

The Face Magazine, a renowned publication that has long celebrated creativity and individuality, became the catalyst for our mission. Through our collective grief and realization, we decided to establish Behind the Face: Unmasking Mental Health, a platform dedicated to raising awareness and fostering understanding of the complex realities of mental health.

At Behind the Face, we firmly believe that mental health affects every individual, regardless of background, status, or circumstances. Our goal is to unmask the often-hidden struggles and challenges faced by individuals dealing with mental health issues. By openly addressing these issues, we seek to shatter the stigma surrounding mental health, encouraging dialogue, compassion, and support.

The loss we experienced within the Face Magazine family compelled us to take action and amplify the conversation around mental health. We are dedicated to highlighting the interconnectedness of mental health and the lives of those we care about. By sharing personal stories and experiences, we aim to create a sense of unity and understanding, emphasizing that mental health issues can affect anyone, regardless of their outward appearance or public persona.

Behind the Face: is committed to collaborating with individuals, organizations, and communities in order to effect positive change. By forging partnerships with like-minded non-profit organizations and mental health programs, we strive to provide support and resources to those in need. Through these collaborations, we aim to strengthen mental health services and programs, ensuring that help is readily available and accessible.

Our journey is fueled by the belief that by unmasking mental health, we can save lives and make a lasting impact on society. We invite you to join us in our mission to bring awareness to the issues surrounding mental health. By working together, we can create a world where mental health is understood, supported, and prioritized by all.

Together, let's unmask mental health and bring hope, healing, and understanding to those who need it most.